Monday, February 11, 2008

The Flag: A disgrace to our TRANSFORMATION..!

The Sowetan (11th Feb 2008) showed a picture of the old S.A flag that was paraded in Ghana during the Africa Cup of nations with a Benni McCarthy (who was not even in the squad) poster. How can this be?Haven't we been over this before, I thought S.A was transformed?First Polokwane, then Eskom and load-shedding- now its the S.A flag!Was it done on purpose or was it a pure mistake by the Ghana and S.A officicials alike? BBK (top soccer journalist in SA) said that the country's old flag "Leaves me cold"...It leaves me cold too, not because i hate it but because we are a transformed/transforming nation that deserves to live with the changes we have made to make our country a better place, not the kind of dictatorship apartheid embodied!To me it says that the SAFA big shots were satisfied with the old flag hanging up there for three weeks as our representation for being in Ghana..What did we go to Ghana for?

As if the first round exit in the Nations Cup was not enough...SAFA members have chosen to keep quite about the flag we waved about in Ghana. The boys did OK compared to when they left the tournament without scoring a goal! I think though, that this time around, S.A scored an own goal with the whole old flag thing..! I have to agree with BBK :"The only plausible explanation the duo (Raymond Hack and Molefi Oliphant) could give the nation is that they were walking around Ghana with thier eyes closed while enjoying whatever they went to Ghana for"...this whole situation leaves me feeling like i do not have any clothes on..Almost like my own country has stripped me naked!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For the Ghanaian organisers of the tournament, putting the wrong flag next to a picture of a player who wasn't even participating in the tournament must have seemed like a minor oversight. They do not realise the abhoration and the repugnance that South Africans attach to that flag. It not just a flag, it is the symbol of all that was wrong in South Africa, so for the Ghanaian tournament organisers to use that flag, they tarnished the image of the new South Africa, and have somewhoe spurned a regressive mindset.