Thursday, February 14, 2008

Peanut Butter WORKED..

I was not really sure if i should do it for Valentines' Day..(buy peanut butter for Freckles that is), but i did it anyway and she loved it. A mutual friend (i wont mention names) was on my case saying i am a cheap skate! I was so tempted to ask her what she got for Valentines' Day??Freckles got something that is sentimental from me not just the usual rose and overatted things that people do on Valentines Day..My workmates say that i showed originality when i bought the peanut butter hey..and i believe that with all my heart..Freckles direct words were: "Thank you for the gift, it spoke volumes to me and it was also funny too".
PS: So i pose the question i should have posed yesterday to our mutual friend (who called me a cheap skate)...WHAT DID YOU GET FOR VALENTINES' DAY?

1 comment:

Mazola said...

So i hear that the mutual friend who called me a cheap skate actually got the ussual overatted stuff..A BUNCH OF ROSES..well i hope she is happy..whoever got her those roses is not A CHEAP SKATE I PRESSUME??! Anyway..the day was good, i would have loved to spend more time with Freckles but 15minutes was OK..