Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Lion Roars!!

Lebo M, the singer turned "movie maker"[well, stage theatre actually], spoiled the mood at the Naledi Theatre Awards on Monday night at Gold Reef City. The Lion King producer threw a tantrum at the ceremony because he was sitting right at the back when he was apparently supposed to be in the front lines. When he was called up to recieve the award for Best Production of a musical he just started going on about how SA needs to be transformed because they did not appreciate "black talent"...
Was he justified?What do you think?He actually left his award behind and left the stage to the amusement of some people present at the function! This is what he said: "I am a very, very proud South African and I am very, very angry South African. This is one of the reasons why one feels like going back to exile. This country has to be welcoming"..He left the audience stunned..SO [Be the judge]..!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think what Lebo Mis being a cry-Baby and his behaviour was unprofessional. I don'tthink he puts much value to the acolade of receiving an award in Africa.. I'm sure there is a more subtle way he could axpressed his dissapointment.If he has no respect for his award how are the SA Arts going to show him respect. Its a two-way thing, You give respect to receive it!!!