Let me explain: A certain Engineer I know mentioned to me the other day that he did not read newspapers unless he has to and is looking for something that would relate to him. These are his exact words and I quote: “You guys (journalists) write crap and I don’t have time to read all of that”. I just literally laughed it off because I was amazed by his ignorance of what is going on around the world. I believe he has been entangled in all these corporate jargons and way of looking at things. BUSINESS AND MONEY MAKING that’s it. There is a need to revolutionize the thinking of our future tycoons. One might argue that the current businessman/woman of this country were part of the struggle and some went into exile therefore know more about our history and the humanitarian aspect of our country.
I am in no way saying that these newbies do not have any humanitarian bone in them but they are so concerned about the next big “FIX”…which is how to keep the Benjamin (money) flowing. Once again don’t get me wrong. I would also like to have more money in my pocket as time goes on but I never want to be clueless about the state in which our country is in. Even if our country is not in a state…I would always want to know how the latest government projects are being put in place, how the ordinary layman on the street is surviving. Let’s face it; there will always be a gap between the rich and the poor all around the world (it would be nice to have everyone be wealthy). SO I am calling our young entrepreneurs to “Please make a decision to know more about our country because they are…our future”.
1 comment:
Young blood, I dont think your friend is ignorant. He is only being real with you, unlike a bunch of others who claim to read every page and each paper.
Maybe your friend skims through the pages and reads what he likes. I'm a journalist and I skim through the papers maybe three times a week, not because I don't know what's potting, but because I have radio, TV, internet and a whole plethora of other media. Quite frankly the newspaper as we know it is an endangered specie (look up OLED display).
A look of what people write is quite frankly rubbish, and that's because it lacks that poetic feel, colour. It's all bland today, waste of paper. I could get the info online and save a tree. I only keep the pages where my story is for portfolio and throw the rest.
I could go on, but I choose to end my tirade before I am ID'd and bounced. Peace - Phantom Menace
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