Indeed its a crazy inflation rate and loads of other crap to follow like the 53% price hike by our beloved Eskom..This is surely going to hit the poor the hardest. And that leads me to wonder..does anyone ever consider what the poor people go through, or journalists just keep writing about it and thier writting falls on deaf ears??
First of all, most of them probably keep wondering why the paraffin price and bread price keeps going up (let's face it, most of the poor people might be subjected to the crap that is produced by the Daily Sun). The social grants are not even covering all of their needs because, truth be told, it is not a real increase when Finance Minister gives his budget speech in February every year..!
Again..is Eishkom (Eskom) crazy..53%??Do they have any idea how the poor are going to be affected?Come on..They should rather use those fat bonuses that they got recently to subsidize the poor people in our country!DO THEY WANT OUR COUNTRY DO BE IN DEEP BULLDUST??You might be thinking.."Well, our country still has the cheapest electricity in the world". My answer to that is SO WHAT?just because our country has cheap electricity does not give the Eishkom authorities the right to lead our country into severe poverty..I say severe because..those already earning peanuts at work and were previously not disadvantage WILL NOW BE..!!
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